Thursday, October 7, 2010

Exploring Pastel

5"x7" Soft pastel on Canson Pastel paper

This beautiful rose is for "Inspiration All Around Us" September- October Challenge.
It is my first work in pastel.
I should name it "Rose Elena", because she gave me the first informations and lessons for working with pastels.
So, thank you Elena!!


Jean Nelson Paintings and Photography said...

A very lovely painting - delicate and beautiful.

RodiMad said...

Thank you very much Jean for your nice comment!
Thank you for following!

Elena Malec said...

abia azi am vazut roza ta, Rodica.Multumesc de dedicatie.Imi place cum ai lucrat.Bravo!

RodiMad said...

He-he Elena si eu abia acum am vazut comentariul :), imi pare bine ca iti place! :)